Roche Clinical Trials

About "ForPatients" 

In this changing healthcare environment, patients are increasingly empowered to manage their medical conditions, including treatment decisions. They have been asking for more personalised information to support them in navigating the sometimes-confusing world of clinical trials. Available public information about clinical trials often contains technical and medical jargon, making it less accessible to patients and caregivers. They deserve better.

Patient engagement is fundamental to clinical research at Roche, and we are constantly looking for ways to partner with patients. Patients have rightfully secured a seat at the table during the drug development process, and we welcome their voice every step of the way. We systematically include the patient perspective in planning and executing our clinical trials, from consulting with patient advisory boards to embedding patients and their advocates in our clinical development teams.

To further enhance this partnership and support patients on their clinical trial journey, Roche has developed a patient-centric information platform called ForPatients. Developed in partnership with patients, physicians, caregivers and advocates, ForPatients provides a dedicated place for

  • Getting information about Roche clinical trials, in clear and simple language
  • Learning more about certain health conditions, with simple descriptions and links to trusted resources
  • Reviewing and understanding the results of Roche’s completed clinical trials
  • Exploring what clinical trials are, why they’re important and what it’s like to participate in one


Visit the ForPatients local South African site today, or share the link to an informational resource for patients, their relatives, caregivers or doctors looking for information about clinical trials or specific diseases where Roche/Genentech is doing research.

You will find information about:

  • What clinical trials are and why they are important.
  • What risks and potential benefits clinical trials may have.
  • How Roche/Genentech conduct clinical trials.

For Roche/Genentech sponsored clinical trials started after Dec 2015 or still open for recruitment and not terminated, suspended or withdrawn you will find information about:

  • The clinical trial itself (i.e. duration, type, protocol).
  • Where you can find participating doctors/hospitals.
  • Lay summaries of trial results (if applicable).
  • References to other trusted resources.


Physicians are able to search for relevant local Roche clinical trials and direct their patients directly to the information as well as being able to quickly review the clinical aspects of the study for themselves.

Patient Groups

Patient groups are increasingly important partners for Roche. We share an interest in helping patients understand and manage their disease/condition, including having timely and equitable access to the treatment they need. We also work together with organisations that, rather than focusing on a specific condition, strive to respond to the broad needs of patients. Roche is able to contribute a range of skills, expertise and knowledge which might enhance the patient organisation’s activities. Patient groups are critical in helping Roche to gain a greater understanding of what it is like to live with a disease, the challenges facing patients and their families and the role that drug therapies play in the management of the disease. They also provide the company with an insight on how to support healthcare professionals who in turn support patients.

Partner Support Groups

Roche is a proud industry partner to the RDAI

Leading the way to improve the lives of people living with rare diseases

Click to learn more about this coalition of interested groups looking to promote a favourable environment for those with rare diseases.




Collaborating openly and transparently

Throughout our interactions with patient organisations, we are committed to ensuring that all collaborations reflect the common values of integrity, maintenance of independence, respect, equity, transparency and mutual benefit. These values underpin our guidelines for working with Patient Groups, which must also be followed by any agency working with patient organisations on our behalf.

Our support of a patient organisation is always based on a written agreement. The agreement clearly states the purpose, the amount of any financial support and a description of any significant indirect or non-financial benefits. In accordance with industry guidelines, we make public details of our relationships with patient organisations, including a list of collaboration projects and a brief description of the nature of our support.


As a patient advocacy organisation, Campaigning for Cancer, seeks to reform the plight of cancer patient by working from within the system to change the system. Integral to this is a group of stakeholders that are willing to engage and explore innovative solutions to access issues face by South African cancer patients.  Roche has been, over the last 10 years, resolute in their commitment to ensuring that this happens. They have engaged with Campaigning for Cancer and the broader stakeholder group to explore and dialogue issues, and solutions to enhance health literacy and access to care in South Africa. Ultimately, to achieve our goal of a patient obtaining the right treatment and care, at the right time, with no barriers, a collaborative effort is needed and Roche remains a constant in this effort. --Campaigning for Cancer